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AI Epigenetic Testing
Wellness System
Give your body what it is asking for,
using a Digital scan of the Live Follicles

Live Hair Follicle Sample

The live follicle is full of cellular information

The tesla coil does
a digital scan of
the follicle
Results come in a
30+ page report within 48 hours of processing

The personalized supplement will address each of the priorities in each report.
The epigenetic hair follicle scan is a digital scan of the bulb extracted from the head. With just four strands you can see up to 800 different indicators and which are priority concerns for your body. Find out what the body is deficient in and has too much of such as fungus, mold, parasite, bacteria, metals and digital toxins.
Epigenetic Hair
Follicle Scan
Our hair follicle scan and overview can be completed at one of our Reboot facilities.
For remote clients we can ship a Follicle Kit to your home. Once the sample is returned and processed we offer a virtual overview and can dropship any solutions your program recommendations include.

Personalized Video Report Overview
A health professional will do a video and audio overview of the report so you can easily navigate the results for a better understanding. You can share this with the customer or use it for your own records to create recommendations.

Personalized Supplement Solution
Supplementation to support each client's person-specific needs, by following data collected from Hair-follicle Scan. It is recommended to stay on the supplementation until the next 90 days scan and then we change the formula to support the new report.

What to Expect
Order the kit
Receive your kit and return the hair follicle sample
Once processed we will email you the report
and begin on your solutions. -
The solutions get drop shipped to your door.
*Video overviews will be delivered within 48 hours of your processed sample.
*The initial supplement solution will be delivered within 10-14 days of your processed sample as it needs to be formulated and processed.
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